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What different heat pumps are there?

What different heat pumps are there? | AdlÄr warmtepompen warmtepomp

There are a number of different heat pumps, which heat pump you buy depends on your living situation and your needs. Below, we explain some of the different types of heat pumps for you.

What different heat pumps are there? | AdlÄr warmtepompen warmtepomp

All-electric heat pump

An all-electric heat pump is a heat pump that is completely electric, with no gas boiler required. The heat pump is suitable for houses that can be completely off gas. An all-electric heat pump can be either a water-water, a ground-water or an air-to-air heat pump.

What different heat pumps are there? | AdlÄr warmtepompen warmtepomp
What different heat pumps are there? | AdlÄr warmtepompen warmtepomp

Hybrid heat pump

A hybrid heat pump is a heat pump that uses both gas and electricity to heat water. The heat pump works together with your central heating boiler. The heat the heat pump extracts from the outside air is used to heat your home, reducing your gas consumption by up to 80%. The heat pump is suitable for almost all households and comes in different capacities to suit your needs. Installation is relatively simple and can be scheduled at short notice.

What different heat pumps are there? | AdlÄr warmtepompen warmtepomp
What different heat pumps are there? | AdlÄr warmtepompen warmtepomp

Water-water heat pump

A water-water heat pump uses the heat from groundwater to heat the water in your central heating system. Groundwater is reached by drilling a pulse of 25 to 150 metres into the ground. Ground drilling is expensive, this technology is mainly used in new-build homes.

What different heat pumps are there? | AdlÄr warmtepompen warmtepomp
What different heat pumps are there? | AdlÄr warmtepompen warmtepomp

Ground source heat-water heat pump

A ground-water heat pump uses the surface heat of the ground. A heat network is installed in your garden, which heats your central heating water.

What different heat pumps are there? | AdlÄr warmtepompen warmtepomp
What different heat pumps are there? | AdlÄr warmtepompen warmtepomp

Air-water heat pump

An air-water heat pump, by means of a fan, extracts energy from the outside air. This energy is used to heat water. This water flows through the pipes and radiators in your home, where it releases its heat and heats your home.

Monoblock heat pump

A monoblock heat pump is a heat pump that can be connected to your central heating boiler. The word ‘mono’ says it all; the pump consists of one part that is placed outside. It draws energy from the outside air and uses it to heat the water in the central heating system, as you can also read in the explanation of the air-water heat pump.

What different heat pumps are there? | AdlÄr warmtepompen warmtepomp

Split heat pump

A split heat pump, unlike the monoblock heat pump, consists of two units. One unit is outside, one is inside. For optimum efficiency, the distance between the two units should be as small as possible. A split heat pump uses F-gases, which are required in the cooling equipment.

What different heat pumps are there? | AdlÄr warmtepompen warmtepomp

After years of research and experimentation, we decided – without any doubt – to focus entirely on the monoblock, air-water heat pump. This sustainable heat pump offers the greatest advantages, is relatively easy to install, but above all offers the comfort and convenience you deserve as a consumer. In addition, the heat pump is inexpensive to maintain and repair.


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