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Saving with a heat pump: investment and payback period at a glance

Saving with a heat pump: investment and payback period at a glance | AdlÄr warmtepompen warmtepomp

Looking for a way to reduce your gas consumption? (Hybrid) heat pumps can help, because heat pumps allow you to get rid of gas. As a result, you no longer have any fixed costs when it comes to gas consumption. Of course, there are some costs associated with the purchase and installation of a heat pump. AdlÄr tells whether you need to dig deep into your pockets for both existing homes and new builds.

What costs are involved in a (hybrid) heat pump for an existing home?

There are several costs to consider when buying a heat pump for your existing home. The very first is, of course, the purchase price of the heat pump. For example, the hybrid heat pump is somewhat cheaper to purchase than if you opt for an all-electric groundwater heat pump. Other costs include installation costs, maintenance costs and possible replacement of parts.

Saving with a heat pump: investment and payback period at a glance | AdlÄr warmtepompen warmtepomp

Unfortunately, it is difficult to say how much you will actually spend on buying and maintaining your heat pump, as it really depends on which one is best for your home. Therefore, get good advice while buying a heat pump, as not every pump is suitable for every home! Below though is an overview with an indication price for heat pumps including their installation.

Type of heat pump Amount incl. installation
Hybrid heat pump (excl. boiler) €6,500 to €12,000
Air-water heat pump €9,000 to €15,000
Water-water heat pump €12,000 to €18,000
Ground-water heat pump €14,000 to €22,500

Important: when buying a heat pump, you can apply for a subsidy. You can read about it on our page about the ISDE subsidy!

Saving with a heat pump: investment and payback period at a glance | AdlÄr warmtepompen warmtepomp

Buying sustainably: what about a heat pump and a new home?

When building a new home, the cost of a heat pump is slightly different from that of an existing home. This is because you can immediately take into account the installation of a heat pump by including it in the building plans. This makes installation easier and cheaper than for an existing house. Another advantage is that while building your house, you can also take into account other sustainability measures such as solar panels and underfloor heating. In fact, with the combination of a heat pump, solar panels and underfloor heating, you will be even cheaper in your monthly costs in the long run!

What is the payback period of a heat pump?

The payback period also depends on which heat pump you have, the gas consumption you would have if you didn’t have a heat pump and the energy costs. Once you have all this mapped out, you can do a calculation on this.

Example payback period heat pump calculation with solar panels

Suppose you bought a hybrid heat pump with installation from AdlĂ„r. This heat pump was €3,800. The gas you save is 1,200 cubic metres and a cubic metre of gas costs €1.45. The hybrid heat pump consumes about 1,500 kW per year. Since you have solar panels, you have no/minimal energy costs.

So this means:

  • Purchase: €3,800
  • Gas savings: 1,200 x €1.45 = €1,740
  • Additional cost of energy: 1,500 x €0.00 = €0
  • Savings per year is: savings – cost = €1,740 – €0 = €1,740.

If you then want to calculate the payback period in number of years, it becomes:

  • €3,800 / €1,740 = 2 years
Example payback period heat pump calculation without solar panels

Suppose you bought a hybrid heat pump with installation from AdlĂ„r. This heat pump was €3,800. The gas you save is 1,200 cubic metres and a cubic metre of gas costs €1.45. The hybrid heat pump consumes about 1,500 kW per year and 1 kW of electricity costs €0.74.

So this means:

  • Purchase: €3,800
  • Gas savings: 1,200 x €1.45 = €1,740
  • Additional cost of energy: 1,500 x €0.74 = €1110
  • Savings per year is: savings – costs = €1,740 – €1110 = €630

If you then want to calculate the payback period in number of years, it becomes:

  • €3,800 / €630 = 6 years

Want to know more about consumption? Then also read our article on the consumption and efficiency of a hybrid heat pump.

The investment of the Aurora II by AdlÄr Castra

What the investment for your Aurora ||will be depends on how many kW you need to heat your home. Besides, AdlĂ„r’s heat pumps are covered by the ISDE subsidy, so you will be cheaper!

Would you like to know more about the Aurora ||? Our specialists will gladly answer all your questions. Fill in the question form and we will contact you soon!

Power Amount incl. subsidy Amount excl. subsidy
Aurora || 6 kWh €3.799,- €6.499,-
Aurora || 10 kWh €5.699,- €8.999,-
Aurora || 14 kWh €6.249,- €9.999,-


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